Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Connections and Impression

My mother always said that there comes a point in time when everyone looks familiar. I never believed her. New faces are new faces, right? At least, new to me. However, people also look like people. There are common qualities no matter where in the world you go. I met Asians that looked like Caucasians and Africans that looked like South Americans. Similar qualities and facial features exist regardless of skin color, eye shape, hair color. Everything that we use to describe can be irrelevant. Faces look like faces that remind me of times past.

I'm sitting in a computer lab across from an arab that simultaneously looks like an Israel, an American and an Asian that I know from completely different places. It makes me a little sad to think that I will meet people and instantly judge them on whomever they look like. It's not fair and it isn't ethical but I know that my first impressions of any new person will immediately place them alongside whomever they look like from my past.

There was a girl in Israel that looked exactly like my sister. I treated her like my older sister. We weren't very close but I didn't consciously make an effort to get to know her because I felt like I already did. She and I semi-planned a backpacking trip over the summer but since I'm going back to Thailand, it won't happen. Maybe next year?